Which opportunities arise in chemical recycling from cross-border cooperation with the Netherlands? This question will be the subject of an event on September 15, 2022, initiated by various industry associations and cluster organizations from the plastics and chemical industries, NRW ministries, the Dutch consulate and other institutes.
Carboliq at Achema 2022
Anyone who has been following our posts on Achema 2022 on LinkedIn, might have learned that Carboliq provides a supplement to mechanical plastics recycling which makes the incineration of plastic waste obsolete. Our oiling plant provides daily proof of delivering an alternative product to fossil fuels.
Since alternative processes and products are available, tomorrow's world will
Kooperation SÜDPACK
UBA Gutachten - Pressemitteilung
Cross border solutions in Chemical Recycling:
CARBOLIQ represents German waste-to-oil technology on Dutch-German networking event